Featured Life Lately

Come on in, the water’s fine

I feel like I did my 20’s backward.

You’re supposed to move to New York when you’re fresh out of college, wide-eyed and full of anticipation about the world of opportunities before you, oblivious to the pervasive stench of garbage and the miniature mountains of dog shit dotting the sidewalks. When you move to Manhattan, you’re not supposed to be in a frame of mind where you’re bothered by a little bit of dog poop.

Instead, I moved to New York with less than a year left in my 20’s, after selling my house in a charming little neighborhood where the neighbors would publicly shame you on the communal Facebook page if you dared walk off without properly bagging and disposing of your pet’s waste.

The sidewalks of Harlem would not fly in Old Northwood.

My then-boyfriend, now-fiancé and I moved from Florida to New York for his job in December of 2016. DOing more writing, just for the hell of it, has been on my to-do list ever since.

Moving to New York City

Who knows how long we’ll be here or what might happen in that time? I’m currently exploring a new city, planning a wedding, meeting new friends and eating/drinking everything in sight, and I want a place to keep track of all of it.

Cabana State of Mind is about the things that are important to me: travel, trying new things, spending time with family and friends, and kicking back in a lounge chair with a cold beer in hand—all the best parts of life.

Follow along to learn what I’m up to, hear what’s on my mind, check out the places I’m exploring and see the world through my eyes as I careen full-speed toward my thirties. Thanks for reading!

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